Chris Elston launched, on behalf of Karen de la Carriere, an attack against Mark Rathbun’s wife’s business. It appears that Elston, being from British Columbia, Canada, is not well informed about the legal ramifications for interfering with someone’s business.
Karen de la Carriere is known for paying people to go after anyone that stands up to her (under the guise that she is giving them money to “help” them). What most of her pawns do not know is that they are being paid with money that Karen makes by selling and “delivering auditing”, all tax free.
Here is the thread from Karen de la Carriere’s “secret” Facebook group, The Outer Banks:

Karen de la Carriere would have screamed bloody murder if someone had dared campaigning against her Thomas Kinkade art store.

Or what would Chris Elton say if someone would do that to him?

Chris Elston is also a hired attack dog for Leah Remini. He is one of the moderators of the Leah Remini Facebook hate club. We have been told that Leah doesn’t want to get caught doing the dirty work so she gets her paid minion, Mike Rinder, to make the necessary arrangements.