Saturday, September 6, 2014

Steven Mango On Disconnection

Steven Mango released a video recently where he talks about his time protesting the policy of disconnection. Steven will often talk about how Scientology fairgames him and others. After watching his video I have a question to ask:
I recently reached out to you and others recently on Twitter to get your thoughts on some of our posts here and you swiftly blocked me. At that moment you enacted the policy of disconnection. Why would a simple tweet stir such a reaction from you? Surely you can’t be that thin-skinned.
Then again maybe Steven is that thin-skinned just like many in the ex-Scientology community who flock to its paper-skinned queen Karen de la Carriere.

Karen de la Carriere Fake Youtube Stats

Karen has been bragging with her clan of admirers how she received an email from Youtube congratulating her for her “high statistics”. What...