We couldn’t resist commenting about Steven Mango’s drama posting.
“I’m so tired of bullshit with “friends”. Let’s not pretend we are friends if you don’t make any real effort to be one. I don’t get why some people are so fake & transparent though. It’s not like I can’t tell you are using me for something.”
Steven that is what you do! You lie, you post your fake drama on youtube, whining is what you do best.
“Others won’t be there for me or won’t want to be my friend unless it’s convenient for them or they are getting something tangible out of it. I once booked a major acting job and I got flooded with these people now suddenly interested in talking to me, wanting to hang out with me, wanting “shoutouts” on my social media or the like. It’s always the same group of people and it’s like they are following the same agenda. It’s pathetic.”
Steven do you really think people want to hang out with you because you are a star? Aren’t you the one who keeps reposting Britney Spear photograph at nausea as if you are her best buddy? Many have called your bluff. Attention is all you crave. There is no “mental breakdown” you are too lazy to get a job and keep it, yet you waste money gambling while asking for donations to repair your broken camera. We are wondering if the donations were needed to compensate for gambling losses.
“Otherwise, if I wanted to engage them or socialize, it’s crickets (although they are out every night with other friends). When I was going through a mental breakdown, crickets. If I have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, everyone is ready to hang out. People are so desperate and if you mention free alcohol, they walk over water to have a sip. I don’t even like to drink really. That’s why a lot of casual friends stopped bothering with me since I didn’t want to drink with them and they are always wanting to go to gay bars in West Hollywood every single night (which is a pathetic endeavor, but let’s not go into that). They never have the time, financial resources, or energy for me — unless I have something big going on that’s exciting and then they are all over my ass. I was just thinking about a friend who I haven’t seen in over a year & she stopped seeing me since I stopped paying for stuff. Never had money and claimed to be broke to me yet had money to see other friends everyday. She didn’t ever once say thank you or pay me back since “you are married to Jeff & he has money” which means I don’t get, or are worthy of, being respected apparently. I’m 26 now and I’m more or less realizing now that I rather have 1 or 2 meaningful friendships than a lot of others around me who I have to question in regard to their intentions. More so than that, I respect myself & my time a lot more. It’s just frustrating more or less that people treat others poorly or have an agenda when I always have good, honest intentions and I like to go out of my way for others. This is why I typically like animals more than people. They don’t try to take advantage of my kindness. Also, if you don’t like me or my posts, or what I do on YouTube, rather than being critical of my posts, just unfriend me. You can “like” my fan page but please remove yourself from my personal page. Morning rant over! Time to make some money today.”
Considering that for a change you are telling the truth and you don’t like to drink, why would you even have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot? But we know you are lying because in some of the videos you posted you were visibly wasted, whether it was alcohol or something else you were not sober.
May I suggest you see a therapist to address your delusions of grandeur?
Your own pictures tell more than a 1000 words.