Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why is Arielle Silverstein still employed by the United Nations?

Arielle Silverstein wearing her Anonymous t-shirt

Why are we asking this question?
Arielle Silverstein was part of a cover up of the UN French troops raping children in North Africa by delaying the appeal of a UN employee who was blowing the whistle about the cover up. Tony Ortega was nowhere to be seen reporting about the African children getting raped. 
Arielle Silverstein was a researcher for Tony Ortega when he was the editor in-chief of the Village Voice. They are now married.
Tony Ortega, Arielle Silverstein and Linda Anderson (Ortega’s mother) are members of the Outer Banks a secret Facebook group populated by people with no life and controlled by a retired prostitute.
Arielle Silverstein is a member of Anonymous (also see above Silverstein’s photo).
Wait to see what else we discovered …

Karen de la Carriere Fake Youtube Stats

Karen has been bragging with her clan of admirers how she received an email from Youtube congratulating her for her “high statistics”. What...